Teaching basic lab skills
for research computing

Development Dashboard

Last rebuilt 2024-07-27T06:03:04Z.

Looking for a way to contribute to our lessons? Visit the Help Wanted page on The Carpentries website to see a list of issues in need of attention.

Unix Shell: swcarpentry/shell-novice

Pull Requests
1393 2023-05-18 Update 03-create.md - Case sensitivity
1392 2023-05-16 Add `-n` switch to grep command
1458 2024-07-19 Unix Shell Script, Finding things, Tractknig a species, grep -r
1398 2024-07-08 Add OneDrive/OS info to inline instructor notes
1447 2024-04-19 Missing spaces between words
1454 2024-03-28 Checkout Recommendation for Trainee
1453 2024-03-25 Clarify statement "the total count of each type of animal" in "Pipes and filters" challenge
1455 2024-03-25 Note that we are directing people to an Incubator (un-official) lesson
1427 2024-02-07 Broken link to regex lesson
1451 2024-02-07 Broken link in Reference
1446 2024-01-04 Broken link in list of external resources
1444 2023-11-11 Ep. 05: Remove redundant paragraphs
1441 2023-11-09 Ep. 02: Link to Glossary not resolved
1433 2023-08-15 macOS now uses Zsh as default shell
1425 2023-08-10 Where do we get 1518 files?
1424 2023-08-02 Other Options for Finding Files in Episode 7
1419 2023-07-23 Use consistent path settings
1407 2023-06-08 No mention of globs
740 2023-05-31 pipe/filter: -l vs -1
1395 2023-05-31 The Unix Shell: Finding Things. Different on-screen message from Git Bash.
1297 2023-05-17 Migrating to the new Workbench format
736 2023-05-16 Episode 3: No mention of letter case for file names and directories
1365 2023-04-28 Plot example in 06
1377 2023-04-19 What other environments can the shell lesson be run on
1379 2023-04-19 Examine reccomendation of WSL
1380 2023-04-19 Update overview for section 2
1342 2023-04-11 Ep 04: 'grep' command option combination
1375 2023-03-12 Ep 4. Tip "Redirecting to the same file" -- to prevent following along mistake
1374 2023-03-03 [suggestion] `setup` section for Windows users
1366 2023-02-16 Shorten the lesson
1352 2023-01-31 [Pipe and Folters] Missing explanation how to run the interactive shell.
1344 2023-01-20 Remove mention of "ls -F" option
1347 2023-01-20 man command in 02-filedir.md
1350 2023-01-20 Inserting "quotes" in filename
1349 2023-01-19 Wildcard Callout should be main text
1351 2023-01-10 Address "ls -s" and "ls -S" confusion/differences
1340 2022-10-31 Ep 04: 'wc' command description
1319 2022-08-22 Pipes and Filters - sort -n works differently for each OS
1317 2022-08-16 Clarification for Pipes and Filters Lesson - Passing output to another command heading
1321 2022-08-11 Making the workshops more inclusive for nonnative speakers
1263 2022-07-07 Make file tree diagrams uniform and scripted?
1314 2022-06-29 Finding Things - Exercise 'Tracking a Species' only has the help function for Mac listed
1312 2022-06-20 Extras: Add manual link for advanced bash scripting guide
1196 2022-06-13 Add Additional information for the "ls -l" command
1310 2022-06-11 Timing and order of topics in the loop section
1170 2022-06-06 Proposed Changes to shell-novice: Shell Scripts - Instructor Checkout
1221 2022-06-06 Unix Shell, brief mention of 'Ctrl + L'
782 2022-05-06 macOS file system vs Linux file system
798 2022-05-06 should we re-think the approach to multiple platforms (was: 'Unix' misused throughout the material)
802 2022-05-06 Suggestion: less changing of data files?
848 2022-05-06 Episode 4: Removing Unneeded Files exercise needs rewrite
928 2022-05-06 Set realistic timings for episodes
948 2022-05-06 "Manual pages on the web" requires a caveat
1261 2022-05-06 Ep 3: Add data files for lessons with Sam and Jamie
1284 2022-05-06 Getting Help - Make help options more explicit based on environment
924 2022-02-03 Ep3: Moving to the current folder - use different file extensions?
1157 2021-11-10 Ep 04: Move explanation of filters to after first use of `wc` and `sort`
1249 2021-09-28 Recommend including Chrome OS in Setup
1238 2021-09-10 Modernize README
512 2021-09-09 06-script: user-defined variables in scripts
720 2021-09-09 Not consistent on how many assay files Nelle has
1211 2021-09-09 A Correction and Suggested Edits for Pipes & Filters episode
743 2021-09-08 Good Names for Files and Directories
998 2021-09-08 Binder button for launching JupyterLab?
1001 2021-09-08 [email feedback] move and copy cheatsheet
982 2021-06-21 Ep7 Tracking a species: exercise too difficult?
1056 2021-06-18 Standardize layout of text in Output boxes
955 2020-10-20 Wildcards content awkwardly split between episodes 3 and 4
1118 2020-10-15 Auto completion on commands
1144 2020-10-08 Proposed improvement to Pipes & Filters episode
1024 2020-01-29 further developing Windows shell setup instructor guidance
875 2018-12-13 Ep4: Plot loop hole - processing the short file

Git: swcarpentry/git-novice

Pull Requests
1003 2024-07-24 Recipes draft
1007 2024-07-24 No `checkout`
1004 2024-07-17 Swap screenshots
990 2024-06-28 Update 07-github.md
1006 2024-07-19 Mention CFF in Citation episode
691 2024-07-18 Consider replacing "checkout" with "switch" and "restore", if widely available in the future
890 2024-07-18 Lesson Contribution: Define GIT
953 2024-07-17 Suggest flipping order of git clone screenshots
728 2024-07-16 Should we show an automatically resolvable merge conflict first?
734 2024-07-16 Episode 4: the staging area should be explained earlier
743 2024-07-16 Ep. 2 Setting up Git - Core Editor Configurations
887 2024-07-16 Flesh out 'Key Point' in 'Ignoring Things' lesson with context
277 2024-07-05 Should we change the story behind the lesson?
955 2024-07-03 Episode time allotment is inaccurate
961 2024-07-03 Consider updating CONTRIBUTING to require forking regardless of privileges
964 2024-07-03 file versions are not saved; changes to files are tracked/recorded
941 2024-07-02 Link to official Mercurial docs instead of our lesson
950 2024-07-02 We contradict our own advice about forgetting about ssh keys
960 2024-07-02 Creating a new branch or renaming the default branch
983 2024-07-02 Do not mention branches while creating the first repository?
843 2024-03-04 How to deal with the message about how to perform `git pull`?
858 2024-01-30 Replace "hit" with "press" as an instruction to use a key
976 2023-11-22 Move SSH key creation (7.3) to Lesson 2 - Setting Up Git
954 2023-09-30 Share what to do if you already have an ssh key
949 2023-08-10 Is there a supplemental SSH episode?
840 2023-07-28 Remote episodes
898 2023-07-28 Remove text editor command lines from main lesson text
900 2023-07-18 Lesson 14 - Supplemental: Using Git from RStudio - More info needed
824 2023-06-21 SSH (and PAT) In-Depth Supplemental Episode
827 2023-06-16 Suggestion: Split the lesson into two lessons
846 2023-05-26 Mention the importance of using the default SSH key location
838 2023-04-06 Amending Gendered Language in Episode 8
907 2023-04-04 add --global to listing the git settings
891 2022-09-14 Recommended comments to clarify sections
864 2022-02-18 `ssh connect to host github.com port 22 connection refused`
849 2021-12-23 Should we provide guidance about git workflows
769 2021-09-01 Suggestion for the clarification of `git diff` command in the Tracking Changes lesson
759 2021-08-10 Suggestion for improving the git staging area graphic
727 2021-08-09 Should text in "conflicts" examples be representative rather than self-describing
750 2021-08-07 Episode 10: Changing from "Open Science" to "Open Research"
607 2021-07-31 Confusing wording and lack of explanation on Exploring History Episode
609 2021-07-31 Workflow clarity in Collaborating and Conflicts
733 2021-07-27 Improve explanation on how merge conflicts occur
771 2021-07-23 Suggestion for improving the graphic in the Remote in GitHub lesson
773 2021-07-23 Suggestion for embedding Episode 6 in storyline
687 2020-09-17 Relocate directories and .gitkeep, Episode 4 to .gitignore in Ignoring Things, Episode 6
701 2019-12-10 Suggestions on git large file system and submodule
399 2019-08-12 Mention of copyright on licensing page
382 2019-07-04 Question about the title of the first lesson
420 2019-07-04 Add a git fetch exercise?
516 2019-03-22 Use -- when calling diff
582 2019-01-22 Lesson 08: A better description of the reviewing process through GitHub
409 2018-06-08 Archiving data with exercise in 10-open

Unix Shell - Español: swcarpentry/shell-novice-es

Pull Requests
73 2023-08-30 Actualizar los enlaces de Slack [Update slack links]
72 2023-06-12 Clarify issues links in CONTRIBUTING.md
69 2023-05-04 restore Instructor Notes from archive
75 2023-10-06 Repo's maintainers information
65 2023-06-02 Scheduling early transition to Workbench
62 2022-01-20 No jumplinks for section headings
45 2019-04-26 Link to data is incorrect
42 2019-01-15 Sugerencias
40 2018-06-12 Extra episodes

Git - Español: swcarpentry/git-novice-es

No pull requests
No issues

Mercurial: swcarpentry/hg-novice

Pull Requests
54 2022-08-16 Added sourcehut as a possible hosting provider.
52 2019-05-29 Upgrade style 9.5.3
46 2018-03-28 Add Slack badges
55 2022-08-16 In Hosting section make it clearer that some sites host git but not hg.
42 2017-04-19 Distribute challenges throughout episodes
41 2017-03-16 'Recovering old versions' section suggests using `revert`; should instead suggest `update`?

SQL: swcarpentry/sql-novice-survey

Pull Requests
369 2024-07-12 Clarified software installation instructions
368 2024-06-25 Update Workflows to Version 0.16.5
365 2023-10-09 Repo's maintainers information
228 2022-07-22 Perhaps a diagram to illustrate database/table/rows/columns/fields
343 2022-07-19 Use of DB Browser for SQLite
305 2019-12-03 Ep. 6: Explanation of count() could be improved.
306 2019-12-03 Ep 4: Major site identifiers suggestion
286 2019-10-08 Add Binder Button for JupyterLab and RStudio Server

Python: swcarpentry/python-novice-inflammation

Pull Requests
1079 2024-04-18 adding labels to plot
1084 2024-07-22 Using Assert as input validation is wrong and needs to be changed
983 2024-07-02 Reordering this lesson
1041 2024-07-02 Cliffhanger in "Defensive Programming"
1021 2024-07-01 Issues with filepaths
1022 2024-07-01 Online coding environment for Python-novice-inflamation
1052 2024-07-01 Variable names for temperatures could be made consistent
1062 2024-07-01 Include more types of operators in Lesson 7 conditionals
1077 2024-06-30 Adding in a little extra info about polynomials
874 2024-03-05 Episode 10 Defensive Programming — Using the assert statement to validate data is bad practice
1071 2023-10-27 Lesson 04: Solutions omitting slice indices before explanation
1032 2023-10-06 Scheduling early transition to Workbench
1061 2023-07-29 Increasing visibility of women scientists
1040 2023-07-28 'Testing Assertions' exercise solution is incorrect
906 2023-07-27 Episode 2 Contribution: Better explaining the axis parameter of numpy array functions
1000 2023-07-20 alternative to using fahrenheit and celcius for teaching functions?
1049 2023-07-19 How to setup a virtual environment with Anaconda (and/or venv)
1019 2023-05-18 potential bugs spotted in lesson 2 text
687 2023-05-13 Missed opportunity to talk about indentation in "Programming with Python : Repeating actions with loops"
988 2023-04-03 Consider recommending JupyterLab over plain Jupyter Notebooks in setup
1015 2023-03-31 An inconsistency between setup and lesson
1020 2023-03-31 Use f-strings
622 2022-12-29 Replace `assertions` by raising Errors
773 2022-12-29 Defensive Programming: replacing assertions with exceptions
979 2022-12-29 A concrete example of moving from assertions to exceptions
1008 2022-12-19 Tiny error in Episode 2
1009 2022-12-19 Use numpy.concatenate instead of hstack, vstack
543 2022-12-15 Improving episode #1
973 2022-10-25 Python Fundamentals Edit
974 2022-10-13 Episode 5 - Repeating Actions with Loops re-use variables previously defined as loop variables
1006 2022-09-15 expression and assignment statements
1010 2022-09-15 Delete numpy.delete
1011 2022-09-15 Test-first programming is not TDD
382 2022-08-26 Analyzing data from multiple files - no example using '?'
1004 2022-08-15 Explanation of built-in functions
1003 2022-08-04 UbuntuMono font in SVG not rendered on non-Ubuntu system
358 2022-07-03 Revision of Key points in python inflammation lesson
990 2022-05-26 Lesson Contribution - Suggested Glossary changes
980 2022-03-07 Question about changes and bugfixes on episodes 1, 2, 7 and 10
976 2022-01-31 Small Suggestion for Python Fundamentals>Built-In Python Functions>first 'Check your Understanding'
975 2022-01-21 Episode 6 - "General Composite Statistics" exercise
969 2022-01-04 Episode 2 "Analyzing Patient Data": displayed a different output after assigning to a variable
967 2021-12-21 I would suggest to re-arrange the episodes: introduce list before episode-2.
965 2021-12-16 Episode 1: use examples that are more relevant to the inflammation story
962 2021-11-05 Add some clarity and a brief example to the 'make it fail every time' segment of the 'Debugging' lesson
961 2021-10-12 Add some time for exercises into Lesson 5 - Repeating Actions with Loops
957 2021-10-04 Suggestion for lesson 8: Add example of a case where duplication is avoided using functions
959 2021-10-04 Include a more comprehensive definition of the types of data
953 2021-08-30 Lesson Contribution - Episode 1 Introduction
952 2021-08-27 Lesson contribution: Alternate diagrams for lists of lists (variation on the pepper photos)
951 2021-08-25 Lesson Contribution: Rephrase paragraph about Errors
663 2021-07-19 Lesson 1 - add info about variable names
943 2021-07-16 Lesson Contribution - diagram to the Storing Multiple Values in Lists episode
765 2021-07-14 09-defensive.md: Incorrect Error blocks for some assert statements
894 2021-07-06 Errors and Exceptions
938 2021-07-02 Conceptual and unit problems with 'weight_kg' variable in Episode 1
940 2021-06-24 Mention in setup instructions that Python 3.10 has significantly improved error messages
898 2021-04-16 Episode 2: array/vector dimensions
498 2021-03-30 Long lines in lessons
494 2021-03-25 Clean up SVG figures
851 2021-03-17 reference.md: remove old, add new things
832 2021-02-12 Lesson Contribution: how to install numpy
774 2020-11-24 Call for Contributions: visuals (images, figures, plots, charts, etc.)
884 2020-11-03 Contribution: Repeating Actions with Loops
886 2020-11-01 The CSV example can give novices the wrong impression of how to structure CSV files
867 2020-09-21 First introduction of comments
859 2020-08-06 Episode 3 - Visualizing Tabular Data: fig.tight_layout() Suggestion
854 2020-07-17 Consistency in use of single- and double-quote marks
834 2020-07-01 05-suggesting a more Pythonic approach to copying
835 2020-06-22 Episode 03 - Visualizing Tabular Data : Suggestions
815 2020-06-05 Add flowchart illustration for for loops
824 2020-05-29 03-matplotlib: rename axes1 -> ax1
825 2020-05-29 adding types of objects to lesson 1
819 2020-05-04 Setup suggestion - Usage of Google Colab notebooks
769 2020-03-26 Move "mystery functions in IPython" box to earlier in lesson
800 2020-03-12 Suggestion to Introduce Type Conversion
813 2020-03-12 Thonny XXL
63 2020-01-20 Perhaps we shouldn't have readings-01.py, readings-02.py etc?
762 2020-01-16 Programming with Python Episode 3 Example Suggestion
770 2019-12-16 Describe/Document 'sorted' function
761 2019-11-25 Why should we be suspicious?
759 2019-11-24 Ep2 section "Not All Functions Have Input" should be removed
756 2019-11-18 Ep. 11: Issues with numpy
735 2019-11-06 Clarification needed for python environment usage
730 2019-10-27 08-defensive.md: "Testing Assertions" exercise inconsistency
725 2019-10-15 Practice what you preach: Variable names
727 2019-10-15 GitHub topics
692 2019-08-16 Issue in 'Defensive Programming'
671 2019-07-24 Lesson 5 - minima add up to zero
665 2019-07-19 Lesson 1 - pyplot not a library
664 2019-07-18 Lesson 1 - definition of 'libraries', 'modules' and 'functions'
616 2019-07-12 Two discussions of copying mutable objects in episode 3?
662 2019-07-12 link to https://jalammar.github.io/visual-numpy
661 2019-07-03 Episode 1: parallel (or multiple) assignment in Sorting Out References example
654 2019-06-11 Portuguese translation
655 2019-06-10 Checklist for the next lesson release
94 2019-05-14 Make a script to update python-novice-inflammation.zip
287 2019-05-14 Overall review of lesson 2016-06 by @valentina-s
293 2019-05-14 End the "Making Choices" lesson with an example that synthesizes what has been learned up to that point
321 2019-05-14 Prose error describing numpy rows and columns relative to axis number...
629 2019-04-23 Install option 4
491 2019-03-27 Episode 2: range doesn't return an array
631 2019-03-22 Episode 9: print function in Not Supposed to be the Same session.
627 2019-03-20 Episode 1 - BODMAS - Knowledge
628 2019-03-05 Add an "introduction to the interpreter interface" episode?
473 2019-02-16 Improvement: Defensive Programming - Assertions
621 2019-02-11 Simplify downloading of lesson materials
609 2019-01-23 Is the CITATION file out of date?
602 2018-12-14 Clarification of "Lesson" vs "Episode" in the text
292 2018-12-06 Add alternatives to '%matplotlib inline' in numpy lesson
599 2018-11-06 Lesson #1 - Change in Inflammation, instructions for first question should refer to patient data.
571 2018-09-23 array arithmetics vs matrix multiplication
568 2018-09-19 Confusing variable name in "Programming with Python : Repeating actions with loops"
572 2018-09-19 explain parameters of delete function
564 2018-07-16 download swc-python/ in setup
485 2018-07-10 Episode 10 struggles on some operating systems
451 2018-06-29 python 2-3 compatibility and gotchas
452 2018-06-18 lesson timings too short + no exercise timings
87 2018-06-08 Examples in defensive.md should reference inflammation lesson
88 2018-06-08 Test stdin in cmdline.md
89 2018-06-08 Code in cmdline.md
334 2018-06-08 Conditional example
338 2018-06-08 Using "import ___ as __" in later lessons
354 2018-06-08 Instructor training Checkout - Python Data Visualisation [use of ticks and ticklabels]
439 2018-06-08 Colormaps in Python
450 2018-06-08 help() doesn't work in windows installation of jupyter notebook
472 2018-06-08 Correct Syntax highlighting for Tracebacks
512 2018-06-08 Episode 2: Clarify loop variable need not appear within loop itself
514 2018-06-08 Python lessons don't mention the ':' character and its importance
534 2018-05-23 Ep1: Insufficient explanation of the data set
525 2018-05-14 Another reason why for loops are useful
449 2018-03-03 Why do we make notebooks in the data/ directory?
436 2017-12-20 Add setup instructions for Windows users
385 2017-12-13 list functions vs list.copy() for deep copy
391 2017-12-13 a couple of suggestions after reading the lesson
420 2017-12-13 Conceptual explanation of Loops
426 2017-12-06 Explanation of print function
364 2017-09-26 02-loop.md file - explanation of loop variable names does not mention limitations on the names
388 2017-07-08 tool for creating parson's problems
378 2017-05-18 02-loop example should not suggest naive evaluation of polynomials
366 2017-03-29 06 - composing functions - refactor to build up a more complicated function
362 2017-03-22 Index error in 'Analyzing Patient Data' - 01-numpy.md
343 2017-01-31 IndexError redundancy
331 2016-11-20 Teaching the funnel method
159 2016-09-10 Should lesson code adhere to PEP8?
306 2016-08-27 syntax highlighting
68 2016-07-31 Blank lines in Multiple Files lesson break indentation (with fix)
96 2016-07-31 tuples mentioned but not explained in 05-cond.md
119 2016-07-31 Make an IPython- / Jupyter- specific callout style
143 2016-07-31 updating the Debugging a Function subsection to py3k
170 2016-07-31 Should at least some of the inflammation data pass the `detect_problems` function?

R (Inflammation Data): swcarpentry/r-novice-inflammation

Pull Requests
629 2024-07-02 learners profile added
619 2024-04-11 Add exercise timing to all episodes
472 2024-04-06 Typo in Episode 11, 'Reading and Writing CSV Files'
612 2024-04-06 Replace the inflammation dataset with a dataset in long format that has column names
519 2023-12-30 Exercise timing missing for analyzing patient data
603 2023-12-16 Add learner profiles
579 2023-05-31 Analyzing Patient Data suggestions
538 2023-04-05 Suggestion: **Variable Naming Coventions**
573 2022-12-06 Suggestion - Common Error Examples
569 2022-11-17 Missing description of data in sample.csv
552 2022-08-26 Episode 3: issue with answer Exponentiation assignment
551 2022-07-22 Analyzing Patient Data: line 371
550 2022-07-12 Adding inflammation dataset illustration on the homepage
543 2022-06-17 Lesson Contribution: two suggestions to enhance the content
544 2022-06-17 Suggestion - Cheat Sheet
540 2022-04-01 use of && vs & -- instructor training contribution
536 2022-01-28 Indicate that the create_package `parentDirectory` should not be an existing R project
527 2022-01-25 Add shortcuts for RStudio to "all" Intro to R episodes/lessons
518 2021-05-17 Lesson Contribution for #8 Making Packages R
487 2021-04-28 Using the RStudio Terminal- Lesson 5: Command Line Programs
516 2021-04-27 Suggestions for episode 3
508 2021-04-22 Lesson Contribution: Data Types and Structures and Understanding Factors
506 2021-04-19 Show how to upload knitr html to GitHub pages
250 2021-04-17 For loops and conditions vs. apply and logical subsetting
513 2021-04-14 Lesson Contribution: Section on Reprex
284 2021-03-27 Clearly indicate core vs. supplementary episodes in lesson syllabus
507 2021-03-27 Software testing
420 2021-02-02 Best Practices for Writing R Code/Additional recommendations
468 2020-04-10 A better way to begin Lesson 3
469 2020-03-29 Use of par(mfrow) and grid.arrange
462 2020-02-14 Understanding Factors- Clarifiation
455 2019-10-29 Command Line Programs
438 2019-08-11 Setup / Prerequisites Suggestions -- Remedial Links or Assessments?
392 2019-06-14 More explanation of functions? [episode 1 or 2]
374 2019-06-02 adding code example to "Automatic return"
389 2019-05-09 trouble with quotes in writing CSVs and tables
391 2018-08-23 Remove 08-making-packages-R & refer to external resource?
324 2018-08-20 improving the documentation / packaging episodes for both functions and data
342 2018-08-20 Can teaching class(), dim(), nrow() and ncol() be merged to teach str()?

R (Gapminder Data - Español): swcarpentry/r-novice-gapminder

Pull Requests
891 2024-07-04 Ungroup after multi-level grouping to avoid warnings
848 2024-04-12 Include note about built-in datasets in R
888 2024-04-10 Add an episode on `purrr`?
865 2023-09-10 Smoother introduction to functions?
860 2023-08-17 What is the intended purpose of the glossary?
853 2023-07-14 Is "pdf device" a commonly understood term?
852 2023-07-06 "Rinse and repeat" is an idiom that may not be understood by a global audience
838 2023-07-05 Update instructions on creating a self contained project
839 2023-07-05 Clarify instructions on how to navigate to RStudio project
840 2023-07-05 Update pre-requisites for R lessons
842 2023-07-05 Reference instructions on why to create a git repo for a RStudio project
843 2023-07-05 Identify what "CSV" means earlier
844 2023-07-05 other values when checking data for factors
845 2023-07-05 Need instructions on how to create new script
846 2023-07-05 Note intended for instructor view?
849 2023-07-05 Include info on why the error in example might occur
719 2023-05-09 Could be interesting to mention the "tidyverse"
820 2023-02-16 Moving the "Subsetting data" lesson to be before "Exploring dataframes"
816 2023-02-14 Suggestion: More details to treat NA values in Exploring Data Frames
758 2023-02-05 Suggestions for Introduction to R and RStudio - Work Flow within RStudio
814 2023-01-06 Adjust cats section to reflect changes to color highlighting in RStudio
717 2022-11-21 The origin of feline-data_v2.csv not specified
799 2022-11-06 11-writing-data: bash inclusion
801 2022-10-04 When discussing Vectorization or For Loops introduce apply functions
797 2022-09-06 Add to instructor notes: consider data/plots/examples in context of workshop setting
796 2022-08-17 Creating Publication-Quality Graphics with ggplot2 - suggestion from lesson checkout
786 2022-08-02 Suggestion for adding image examples for teaching hybrid lessons. In the Gapminder lesson for R, under the Control Flow, I have drawn on a whiteboard (in person) how a For Loop works. It would be awesome to have an image to share with those on zoom who can't seen the whiteboard drawings.
783 2022-05-24 Setup should suggest installing git?
782 2022-05-18 Suggestion of changing the "don't grow your results" example
780 2022-05-03 Suggestion: 16-wrap-up.Rmd + email for checkout different across different pages
716 2021-12-23 Native pipe vs dplyr/magrittr pipe
753 2021-12-13 Consider adding Rmd Visual Editor to lesson 15
741 2021-09-29 Subsetting data episode: dropping levels of a factor
740 2021-08-26 Add the general structure of a function
738 2021-08-18 Make the difference between install and library more obvious
603 2021-04-27 Episode 7 (control flow), Challenge 1
632 2021-03-16 Update figure generation scripts to automatically export image files

R (Gapminder Data): swcarpentry/r-novice-gapminder-es

No pull requests
88 2023-04-11 In 'Explorando Data Frames' there is no explanation about the Warning message when rows are added. For someone starting to do this from scratch this may be a bit confusing, adding a little explanation (or a question 'qué crees que significa este mensaje?') will probably help the learner get familiar with warning messages in R
135 2023-03-27 Improve 'setup' page
118 2020-11-05 Data type issue when loading data.
115 2020-07-27 RFC: Migration to R 4.0

MATLAB: swcarpentry/matlab-novice-inflammation

Pull Requests
257 2023-11-14 Fix MATLAB syntax blocks in 'Testing a function'
256 2023-10-06 Inaccurate maintainers list
253 2023-06-02 Links need to be fixed in CONTRIBUTING.md
237 2023-02-10 No need to create `results` directory
240 2023-02-10 Ep3: Improve Dataset image
19 2022-11-18 Include vectorization
244 2022-04-13 MATLAB interactive *.mlx notebook wanted?
234 2021-08-27 Ep. 3 Match code block output to input
49 2021-06-21 Get back to simpler code?
231 2021-03-22 Lesson Contribution - Matrix Math
201 2019-02-05 Ep4: No exercise on scripts
117 2018-05-23 Ep1: Insufficient explanation of the dataset

Make: swcarpentry/make-novice

Pull Requests
177 2024-06-25 Update Workflows to Version 0.16.5
172 2023-06-02 Links need to be fixed in CONTRIBUTING.md
171 2023-04-25 Review commands.mk and instructor notes

From Excel to a Database via Python: swcarpentry/capstone-novice-spreadsheet-biblio

No pull requests
11 2021-03-31 Incorrect command in extracting data episode?
7 2019-10-31 Apply naming convention to repo name

Testing and Continuous Integration with Python: katyhuff/python-testing

Pull Requests
34 2022-03-23 tiny typo correction
30 2019-11-12 Contributions back from cs491tc
11 2017-05-04 introduce unittest
33 2021-05-21 Consider including linting/formatting tools?
18 2018-02-09 Add testing for raised exception
15 2017-09-02 Test parameterisation

Data Management in the Ocean, Weather and Climate Sciences: DamienIrving/capstone-oceanography

No pull requests
3 2015-12-09 Getting a DOI

Controlling a Quadcoptor With Your Mind: swcarpentry/matlab-novice-capstone-biomed

No pull requests
No issues

Working With Data on the Web: swcarpentry/web-data-python

No pull requests
4 2016-10-04 code/final.py contains unused variables/func call
11 2016-10-04 General comments on web lesson

Workshop Administration Tool: swcarpentry/amy

Pull Requests
2663 2024-06-17 Update README.md
2626 2024-04-08 Fix2582 corporate workshop costs
2595 2023-12-11 Member codes docs
2176 2023-08-08 1992 change host sponsor labels
2679 2024-07-20 [Emails] Render variables in scheduled email previews
2662 2024-07-01 Membership onboarding email should be for new and rollover memberships
2660 2024-06-13 Additional models for all Membership related emails
2661 2024-06-13 Additional models for all Workshop related emails
2633 2024-04-15 Sort/filter scheduled email view
2629 2024-04-10 Contacts should be required for all memberships
2614 2024-02-13 Fix creation of end date for rollover membership
2612 2024-02-12 Update README instructions to update local version of AMY
2613 2024-02-12 Use seeding to populate organizations, roles and tags
2607 2024-02-05 Add API documentation
2608 2024-02-05 Data privacy consent in training application does not persist to trainee record
2605 2024-01-23 Consider whether we need to coerce GitHub pages urls for workshop websites
2602 2024-01-22 Add field for Mastodon in Person model
2601 2024-01-17 Date filled inconsistently in New Membership Form
2599 2024-01-09 Update question about travel to include NA for online workshops
2597 2023-12-11 What to do with consents when merging Persons with null consents
2387 2023-12-05 Update membership model to have fields for inperson and online workshops
2388 2023-12-05 Migrate workshop data on past/current memberships to fit new workshop pricing model
2389 2023-12-05 Update membership view to show declining balance based on workshop type
2390 2023-12-05 Update handling of workshops for rollover memberships
2391 2023-12-05 Allow additional inperson/online workshops for each membership
2392 2023-12-05 Indicate when memberships swap inperson and online workshops
2511 2023-12-04 Double clicking submit button creates duplicate records
2585 2023-12-01 Code of Conduct question on Instructor Training form should be required
2582 2023-11-28 Text about costs for corporate/for-profit workshops
2583 2023-11-28 Combine questions about the member code and workshop costs
2584 2023-11-28 Question about workshop travel expenses applies to inperson workshops only
2588 2023-11-28 Question about online/in-person workshop asked twice
2589 2023-11-27 Make workshop lead time be "at least 10 weeks"
2547 2023-11-21 [Emails] Send email to member contact when a workshop request is submitted using their code
2574 2023-11-21 Review use of `mark_safe` when building HTML code in template tags
2578 2023-11-21 Adjust deployment steps so that container stops if any step fails
2576 2023-11-17 [Member codes] Update documentation for member codes project
2425 2023-11-14 Email templates without a 'no-reply' address set fail when used in actions
2566 2023-11-14 Add 'expired' state for TrainingProgress
1484 2023-11-07 Remove Feature to Track changed metadata
2261 2023-11-07 Allow manual editing of recruitment priority after recruitment has started
2415 2023-11-07 Person search doesn't work for personal or family names which contain spaces
2564 2023-11-06 Membership training statistics page - seat count should not include cancellations
2332 2023-10-31 List of accessibility issues
2555 2023-10-26 Validate location country & lat/lon for events
2556 2023-10-26 Check test coverage and fill gaps
2557 2023-10-26 Re-organise test files for easier navigation
2545 2023-10-17 Workshop inquiry form raises invisible errors
2543 2023-10-12 Trainee page - filtering for trainees with instructor badge returns no trainees
2542 2023-10-11 Improve error message when community role requires an associated award
2531 2023-09-17 [Emails] Change mechanism for blocking `ScheduledEmailUpdate`, `ScheduledEmailReschedule` and `ScheduledEmailCancel` to inform user about invalid status
2524 2023-09-12 Feature flags: create a process for ensuring flags are enabled or disabled in production
2525 2023-08-28 Auto assign community role based on badge date, not on data entry date
2255 2023-08-15 Add fields for start time, end time, and time zone to all events
2488 2023-08-15 Create "Notes for trainee" field for TrainingProgress which can be displayed to trainee
1687 2023-08-08 Allow editing of recipients in email previews
2093 2023-08-08 Change criteria for sending (not sending) automated emails
2503 2023-08-04 Convert training_progress to generic TemplateView
2260 2023-08-02 Allow admins to view Instructor sign up view
2486 2023-08-02 Adhere to style guide throughout UI
2495 2023-08-01 Admin can add multiple signups for the same Instructor at the same workshop
2497 2023-07-31 [Emails][Documentation] Document how (old) automated emails are going to be replaced by new ones
1964 2023-07-28 Add date field for trainee checkout extension
1624 2023-07-25 Name matching on workshop request forms
2421 2023-07-25 Populate django admin fields from prod to test
2435 2023-07-25 Recording of online workshops
2468 2023-07-25 Create additional fake data when initializing a dev database
2483 2023-07-23 [Emails] Support attachments
2480 2023-07-18 Proposal: retain access to workshop notes for past and upcoming workshops
2478 2023-07-14 Improvements to top menu for instructor dashboard
2328 2023-07-13 Comments from review of AMY docs and corresponding UI operations
2450 2023-07-11 Recognize new model fields as part of seeding scripts
2457 2023-07-07 Use local time or explicit UTC throughout UI
2449 2023-06-30 Error text when creating Instructor task from recruitment
1512 2023-06-29 Use DataTables in all tabular data views
1912 2023-06-29 Profile Archival: Reconnect a user's account after archived.
1992 2023-06-29 Changes to Host & Sponsor Labels for Event view
2038 2023-06-29 Profile Archival: Add Warning for the user to login and update their profile before they are archived.
2045 2023-06-29 fix(profile-archival): Add profile archival email text to the email
2047 2023-06-29 feat(profile-archival): Profile Archival Warning for lack of consents
2262 2023-06-29 Include summary/count of roles in person dashboard view
2264 2023-06-29 Include community roles in person dashboard view
2044 2023-06-13 Update Helptext for Workshop Host/Sponsor/Member
2427 2023-05-26 Comparison view when matching trainee application to person profile
2424 2023-05-25 Edit member organisations and contacts while creating/rolling over membership
2422 2023-05-24 Who is the audience for "Database Strucutre" docs?
2353 2023-05-17 Instructor signup: Allow instructor to edit notes
2360 2023-05-16 Automate adding survey links to Event page
2377 2023-05-16 Upcoming workshop notifications
2404 2023-05-16 Archived consent terms should not be required to create AMY profile
1722 2023-05-09 Add Time & Time Zone to WRF
2095 2023-05-09 Require single select for Event Curriculum Taught
2188 2023-05-09 include sign languages in language list
2305 2023-05-09 Missing lessons in "Topic and lessons you're comfortable teaching"
2405 2023-05-02 Names show up twice in "Assigned to" list in Instructor recruitment
2401 2023-04-26 Online events are marked red for location on admin dashboard
2351 2023-04-24 Include map link for airports
2400 2023-04-24 Set up multi factor authentication
1807 2023-04-19 Re-name columns named "start" and "end"
1915 2023-04-19 Update to workshop request form - question about event open to the public
1957 2023-04-19 Add "Not Interested" state option to workshop inquiry submissions
1988 2023-04-19 Add eventbrite question to WRF
2050 2023-04-19 Require confirmation when performing bulk actions
2053 2023-04-19 Warning if membership term is not approximately one year.
2101 2023-04-19 Allow admin user to delete rolled over membership
2242 2023-04-19 Assignment of new instructor recruitment process
2246 2023-04-19 Badge date needs to be on or before start date for community roles
1760 2023-04-18 Attendance Count Breakdown for Training Events
1767 2023-04-18 Pre-fill Administrator in workshop event
1958 2023-04-18 Automate sending of certificates to badged Instructors
2197 2023-04-18 Instructor Selection: Visibility of confirmation notifications
2204 2023-04-18 Instructor selection: Breaks between events in admin view
2245 2023-04-18 Award details should be editable
2345 2023-04-18 "Community Roles" dashboard view
2352 2023-04-18 Use airport API to fill airport values
2385 2023-04-18 Provide a way to get the "publication name" for a person
1212 2023-04-14 Instructor Selection: Need system to record instructors who were scheduled to teach but couldn't make it...
2018 2023-04-12 AMY Search Result View
2378 2023-04-12 Send email to user after their record is merged
1565 2023-04-11 Feature request: Bulk add Instructor training progress
1566 2023-04-11 Feature Request: Bulk add learners to TTT event
1570 2023-04-11 Workshop Request Form - Membership Affiliation
2362 2023-03-16 Auto-fill more workshop fields when creating from requests
2344 2023-02-16 Suggestion: Add revisions to user-editable models that don't have them
2094 2023-02-06 Update fields for Event Tasks
2216 2022-12-01 Add documentation on public facing views
2247 2022-10-18 Update layout and content of login page
2026 2022-08-05 Community Roles: extend `Lesson` model
2027 2022-08-05 [WIP] Community Roles: update `Lesson` data from Carpentries feed
1875 2022-06-05 Developer tools, automation, and some tech debt
2173 2022-05-05 Create system to import Instructor Training attendance data into AMY
2076 2021-12-03 Workshop Event Tags
2102 2021-12-03 Ensure rollover memberships reference the most recent membership
2103 2021-11-29 Add tags to organization and membership models
2060 2021-09-22 List of fields needed for AMY/Asana data share
1287 2021-08-09 Add read-only access level
1614 2021-08-09 Import Training Event Registration and Attendance
1615 2021-08-09 Import Trainee checkout progress to AMY

Software Carpentry Website: swcarpentry/website

Pull Requests
1272 2024-07-15 Website reorganization
No issues