Teaching basic lab skills
for research computing

Learner Checklist

Learners are attending a workshop to improve their computing skills so that they can get more research done in less time and with less pain.


  • Make sure you know where the home page for the workshop is.

  • Check the location and start time.

  • Fill in the pre-assessment questionnaire so that the instructors know what skills you already have.

  • Install any software required for the workshop before arriving. The exact list will be on the workshop website. If you are unable to get the software installed, please at least download it before the start of the workshop, as university WiFi usually can't handle several dozen people doing downloads at once.

  • Let the instructor or host know about any special requirements, e.g., accessibility issues, a need to leave early for daycare pickup, or anything else.


  • Ask for help when you need it: if you have a question or problem, the odds are good that many other people do as well.

  • Introduce yourself to your fellow learners: workshops are great networking opportunities.


  • Fill in the post-assessment questionnaire so that we can improve our lessons.

  • Let us know if you would like to become a host, a helper, or an instructor.